Mental Health

Looking after yourself and the mental health of your family is important. If you are experiencing an emotional time or are worried about a family member, please refer to one of the following agencies.

NHS Logo

NHS Mental Health Crisis Helpline – Telephone service offering 24 hour support for anyone in Surrey who is concerned about their mental health or that of a friend or relative – 0800 915 4644

Samaritans Logo

The Samaritans - A listening service to talk through your concerns - Call Free 116 123 - Click Here

SANEline - Specialist emotional support - 0300 304 7000 (4:40pm to 10:30pm) - Click Here

Mind UK - UK Mental Health Charity with information and an online mutual support community - Click Here

NHS Logo

NHS Mental Health - NHS advice on maintaining Mental Health, with links and useful guidance - Click Here

NHS Logo

NHS Apps - Links to NHS Apps and recommended Apps to assist with Mental Health - Click Here